Perry L. Stepp, PhD
The devil will say to you that you are a sinner. He will tell you of the greatness of your sin. He will tell you of all your mishaps and your backslidings, of your offences and your wanderings. Tell him, and tell your own conscience, that you know all that. But Jesus Christ came to save sinners, and although your sin be great, Christ is quite able to put it all away.
Spurgeon, “Justified by Faith”

Perry L. Stepp (1964) is the son of a pastor and church planter, and was raised in Oklahoma and New Mexico, USA. He received his M.A. in New Testament from Lubbock Christian University, and his Ph.D. in New Testament from Baylor University. His doctoral mentor, noted Baptist biblical scholar Charles H. Talbert, has the distinction of being the only non-Catholic scholar to serve as president of the Catholic Biblical Association. Perry has been very active in the Society of Biblical Literature, and has published a monograph, scholarly and popular articles, and a commentary on the Pastoral Epistles and Philemon. In addition to his scholarly work, he has been involved in pastoral ministry for more than thirty years. He lives in Zagreb with his wife Elizabeth. They have three adult children: Kayla, Anna, and Joshua.
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